Maj. Gen. David Weishaar, Kansas adjutant general, and other Kansas National Guard leadership traveled to the
Republic of Armenia in May for a key leadership engagement as part of the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership
Program. Since 2003, the partnership has resulted in multiple military to military and civilian to civilian exchanges.
“This is my first opportunity to come to Armenia as part of the State Partnership Program,” said Weishaar. “I had some
simple asks for the Armenian leaders that we talked to: ‘What do you need from us?’ and ‘How can we help?’ That is really
the summary and our focus for the week.”
The Kansas delegation met with representatives from the Armenian Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Emergency
Situations and the U.S. Embassy to discuss their continued partnership and possible future engagements that would benefit
and strengthen Kansas and Armenia. Lt. Col. Amy Hill, director of the State Partnership Program, said the SPP is a high
impact, low cost program.
“The SPP costs remarkably lower budget numbers than any other program,” said Hill, “and has had a continuous
benefit with the relationship that was originally built in 2003.”
One of the stops on the week’s agenda was the Ministry of Emergency Situation’s new K9 training facility. The
Kansas delegation toured the new complex, saw future plans for expansion and observed a demonstration showcasing the
facility’s training capabilities. During the visit, Weishaar reconnected with some of the Armenian personnel.
“I had the opportunity to see a couple of guys that came to Kansas as part of a K9 training scenario,” said Weishaar.
“Another group came as part of a law enforcement training, so I got to see several people I had met before in