Marriage Enrichment Weekend Aug 10-12

June 4, 2018 | By slarson
Whether youve celebrated one anniversary or 20, as an Army couple you can anticipate more excitement and expect more challenges than the average civilian couple. Long separations, the stress of military life, deployments, and reintegrating as a couple once your loved one comes home can subject Army marriages to extreme hardship. The marriage enrichment event is designed to strengthen relationships, inspire hope, and rekindle the spark in marriages. Ninety-three percentof the couples who have participated in Strong Bonds showed significantly improved relationship quality. The next marriage enrichment event will be Aug. 10-12, 2018, in Manhattan, Kansas Married couples only event Childcare will be available for children 12 years and younger only. Lodging, breakfast and lunch will be provided. Register on the Strong Bonds website: Deadline for registration is July 27, 2018. Any questions please call Sgt. 1st Class Jimmy Boss at 785-646-0171 or Email: